Monday, January 30, 2017

Week Eighty One - In the Bairro

So the week was good and bad. We were able to find some good new investigators and are progressing to have some baptisms this next transfer, but on Sunday no one came to church. So that kind of sucked. And most of the people didn't come because they were sleeping or other useless excuses. And we are going to have to leave Ednilson for a little while because he has stopped progressing for a while now. We did get this lady who hadn't been to church in a long time to come but her husband who we are teaching didn't come. 
A crazy thing happened this week. So we were going to enter into this place called Sorriso 1. It's a bairro which I don't know how to translate. Just like an area you know? But when we got there, there were a bunch of police cars and stuff and we saw a bunch of people circled around this sidewalk corner. We were going to descend the hill and enter in to talk to Ednilson but this member saw us and frantically stopped us. People were only going down in large groups because there was a lot of gunfire and some shoot outs between police and criminals. People were circled around the street corner because there was a head on the ground. yeah... a head. Turns out these guys were stealing mangas or cocos during the night and this farmer shot one of them and they returned to kill him but found his son, killed him and put his head on a post, then someone took it off and threw it on the street corner. But someone covered it with a plastic bag. And so we left and went to another part of our area and during the lesson this neighbor frantically entered telling our investigator to shut down her store because there was going to be a shoot out, which never happened. I doubted that it would actually happen because there was so much police there. And everyone was frantically running around to shut down the stores and stuff. So we decided to go home because it was so crazy. There wasn't really any present danger but every one gets worked up when things like this happen. Don't worry though, it's not like I was ever in any danger. But the next day everything was back to normal.
So that was our week. Hopefully yours was better.
Elder Batten

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