Friday, July 24, 2015

Week Two

It doesn't seem like it has been a week since I wrote my last email. Time has gone much faster this past week. I got to go to the São Paulo temple today for P Day, it was pretty cool to see more of the city. Last week after I sent my email I got to walk around outside the MTC which was super fun, actually. São Paulo is pretty cool, and it is much different being outside the United States. I'll get to do that again after I am done with sending emails.

Portuguese has been coming quicker and quicker. I can teach lessons pretty well without taking in tons of notes. All I need is bullet points and scriptures written down. So I can talk freely giving lessons, but the lessons will be much harder in the field when people ask more in depth questions. My conversational skills are still lacking, but I can understand most of what people are trying to tell me.

This week for Tuesday devotional the head of all international MTC's (not Provo) gave a pretty good talk.  He showed us a picture of a missionary from the Phillipines (I think) who was 7'8. When they saw him the MTC President said they would have to pull two beds together for him to be able to sleep. His response was "Oh President, don't worry, I don't remember the last time I slept on a bed. All I need is a blanket, pillow and a space on the floor." That missionary came to the MTC without shoes. He was a size 23 and they didn't have shoes that size where he lived, and they said they could get him some. His response was "Oh president, don't worry, I can't remember the last time I wore shoes." He served his entire mission without a pair of shoes. The talk was pretty good and very humbling.

See you next week,

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